Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday 08-29-2014

So yesterday morning I said I was going to blog last night.  I was until the internet had an earthquake!  It blinked in and out so fast we couldn't keep up.  So I said "hey, lets just use our phones" because they have their own service.  Wrong……..everything was out.  I didn't blog, check Ravelry, Etsy, email and one of my favorites Ebay!!!  So at 8:30pm we got in bed with out books and read.  Well he has a book and I have my nook.  YES we read, don't be smart ;-)

Someone in my neighborhood has a rooster.  Yup, a cock-a-doodle-doo rooster.  We can hear him but can't find him.  I can hear him in the afternoon, and evening but not in the morning, thankfully, lol

Anyway, I am working on some DPN wraps with a different kind of fabric.  They are coming out really nice and they cost a little less to make so I will be able to pass the savings on to people who buy them from my Etsy shop
Also, Maren R. and a few others have asked about wraps for crochet hooks.  I am working on those too and a few will be in the shop Sunday afternoon.  They hold hook sizes D thru Q.

You have all been wonderful, friendly and very supportive between my YouTube, G+, Etsy and now my blog……Thank you so much :-)  
Wouldn't it be fun if one day we could plan a huge "meet & greet" somewhere?

Ok, I've fooled around here long enough….time to get back to the sewing machine :-)


  1. Oh wow...we have a rooster in our neighborhood too. He doesn't know how to tell time either. I think it's because the whole world has gone coo coo and they are confused. LOL

  2. Isn't it amazing how we can't live without our internet these days? Time does move on, doesn't it. lol

    As long as that rooster doesn't learn to tell time, you're good. I suppose the morning would be ok, depending on the time. I get up at 4:00 anyway, so it probably wouldn't bother me ... except on the weekends.

    I think crochet hook wraps are a great idea. :)

  3. Life without the internet...gasp...oh no. lol We get a few days like that here too. Especially in the winter. Thank god fro crafts and reading.
    You have been such a busy bee with your Etsy shop. I have been a thankful recipient. My Needle wrap is supposed to get here today and I can' wait!
