Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday 08-29-2014

So yesterday morning I said I was going to blog last night.  I was until the internet had an earthquake!  It blinked in and out so fast we couldn't keep up.  So I said "hey, lets just use our phones" because they have their own service.  Wrong……..everything was out.  I didn't blog, check Ravelry, Etsy, email and one of my favorites Ebay!!!  So at 8:30pm we got in bed with out books and read.  Well he has a book and I have my nook.  YES we read, don't be smart ;-)

Someone in my neighborhood has a rooster.  Yup, a cock-a-doodle-doo rooster.  We can hear him but can't find him.  I can hear him in the afternoon, and evening but not in the morning, thankfully, lol

Anyway, I am working on some DPN wraps with a different kind of fabric.  They are coming out really nice and they cost a little less to make so I will be able to pass the savings on to people who buy them from my Etsy shop
Also, Maren R. and a few others have asked about wraps for crochet hooks.  I am working on those too and a few will be in the shop Sunday afternoon.  They hold hook sizes D thru Q.

You have all been wonderful, friendly and very supportive between my YouTube, G+, Etsy and now my blog……Thank you so much :-)  
Wouldn't it be fun if one day we could plan a huge "meet & greet" somewhere?

Ok, I've fooled around here long enough….time to get back to the sewing machine :-)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday Morning Chat

Well good morning!  It's 8:00am, I've had my coffee and I've been sitting in this chair long enough for my right butt cheek to get numb, ahahahahahaha - sorry, I had to say it :-D

I'm putting a package in the mail this morning for my sister Pam.  Wait tell she sees what in this ;-)

I added a few DPN wraps to my Etsy shop last night.  Hey!! I just discovered I can make these pics smaller.  Yay!!
Thanks Lorri !!

I have only 1/2" to go before I can start my first knitted heel!

I also started a sock yarn hat.  This one I'm using an E hook and doing half double crochet.  It works up faster that single crochet.  

Well I suppose I'd better get going.  Things to do!  I will be back later.  Maybe I will do an afternoon coffee chat :-)  Thanks everyone for joining my blog!  Have a great day :-)))

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My Opening Post in My New Blog

I wanted to start a blog where about sewing and knitting and things I like to do.  I will be posting pictures here of the things I make crafting and cooking and whatever comes to mind.  I will also post some recipes.  I think this would be a nice addition to video blogging because….well for one it won't matter what I'm wearing because nobody will see me, lol.

I like people and lots of company, so feel free to stop by, comment, join the blog and chat with me :-)

Some of my project bags:

The socks I am currently making: